This past weekend, Jake and I went on a date to DC. Through his work, Jake was able to score two tickets to the White House Garden tour. This was awesome, because most people were only able to get one!
This was a great day to take the tour, because they were also dedicating the Martin Luther King Jr. Monument!
We walked down to the monument along with ten thousand other
people and found a spot about 200 yards from the stage.
We were sooooo excited when the keynote speaker
came onto stage.
Can you see him there in the picture?
No? I'll give you a hint.
He's the leader of our country. :)
We left the dedication a little bit early, so that we would be on time for our tour. Guess who happened to drive by on our way there?
Yep. The same guy we had just watched on stage.
We finally made it to the White House and spent a lazy hour walking all around the grounds.
Let me tell you, it was simply amazing.

View from the White House
Did you know that the White House has it's own putting green?
Michelle's Garden
Looking back at the White House from the vegetable garden
This was an incredible experience. I feel so lucky to live in a place with so much history!